Information on the design of FRP footbridges has developed quickly over the last few years, with the new version of the DMRB which included the publication of CD368 - Design of fibre reinforced polymer bridges and highway structures, and the updates to recommendations in Europe such as CROW-CUR recommendation 96-2019 Fibre-reinforced polymers in buildings and civil engineering structures (CUR96)
Whilst CD368 is now very much in line with CUR96, there are still some fundamental differences between the 2 documents.
Working to the Technical Approval Process outlined in CG300, including the agreement of the Approval in Principle for an FRP Bridge can can be a complex process, if new to the material. The design process for our FRP bridges has been fully developed to follow the CG300 and allows the discussion of how design standards can be utilised.
In the absence of a Euro code for FRP bridge design, and based on the limited information in CD368 regarding detailed composite engineering, then CUR96 is a useful addition for material detailing.
For more information and discuss how the documents mentioned above fit together within the process outlined in CG300, please contact